Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Track Meet Survival Guide - Athletes

  1. Equipment check: Proper RUNNING SHOES are a must for performance, as well as SAFETY from injury.  Invest in a good pair of running shoes to wear to practice and the meet.  Do not wear shoes that are used for basketball, general PE, or worn down. 

 2.   Eat a healthy DINNER the night before your meet that include lean proteins and healthy carbohydrates.  A great dinner would be grilled chicken on a wheat bun, grilled chicken with an apple or spaghetti /pasta. NO FAST FOOD!

 3.   PACK a bag of ACTIVITIES (Handheld games, IPods, books, cards, etc.) and charge up your electronics. Don’t forget any necessary medication, lotion, sunglasses, and extra pair of socks.

4.   Get plenty of REST! Go to bed early and rest your body.  You will have a long day and will perform better if you aren't yawning on the track.

 5.   Eat a GOOD breakfast.  Your body needs the energy for the day.  Great examples are oatmeal + fruit, scrambled eggs with bagel, smoothie with non-fat Greek yogurt + banana + blueberries.

 6.   DRESS for the weather.  Wear your Lightning uniform, plus warm up clothing (sweatshirt and sweatpants).  You can wear a T-shirt under your Lightning jersey (your team shirt is fine to wear or a team color shirt).  Under armor/dry fit material shirts and shorts are great choices to wear under the uniform. Athletes must keep their muscles warm when they are not running.

 7.   LISTEN to your coaches.  Your coaches will guide you and let you know what events you are signed up for.

8.   Stay HYDRATED! Drink plenty of water and Gatorade during the day.  NO SODA!

 9.   SNACK healthy.  Healthy snacks will be available during the meet. Do not eat potato chips, candy or junk food during the meet. Do NOT eat concession stand food until you are finished for the day.

10.                CHEER your teammates on while they are running.  Go Lightning!

Relax and have FUN!

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